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Notification events

You can choose to be notified about the following events in Maxsight:

Product application events

Event name


Product application assigned to you has been approved

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to you has been approved by someone else or the smart policy.

Product application assigned to you

Sends a notification when a new product application has been assigned to you.

Product application assigned to your team

Sends a notification when a new product application has been assigned to your team.

Product application assigned to you needs manual completion

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to you includes one or more tasks that are incomplete or have failed.

Product application assigned to your team needs manual completion

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to your team includes one or more tasks that are incomplete or have failed.

Unassigned product application needs manual completion

Sends a notification when an unassigned product application includes one or more tasks that are incomplete or have failed.

Product application assigned to you is nearing expiry

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to you includes one or more tasks that are nearing expiry.

Product application assigned to your team is nearing expiry

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to your team includes one or more tasks that are nearing expiry.

Unassigned product application is nearing expiry

Sends a notification when an unassigned product application includes one or more tasks that are nearing expiry.

Product application has a new custom expiry date

Sends a notification when a product application includes one or more tasks that have a new custom expiry date.

Product application assigned to you has a new custom expiry date

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to you includes one or more tasks that have a new custom expiry date.

Product application assigned to your team has a new custom expiry date

Sends a notification when a product application assigned to your team includes one or more tasks that have a new custom expiry date.

Unassigned product application has a new custom expiry date

Sends a notification when an unassigned product application includes one or more tasks that have a new custom expiry date.

Customer profile events

Event name


Profile assigned to you has a new PEP/sanction event

Sends a notification when a profile with a product application assigned to you has a new PEP or sanction event.

Unassigned profile has a new PEP/sanction event

Sends a notification when a profile with an unassigned product application has a new PEP or sanction event.

Someone #hashtags a profile assigned to you

Sends a notification when a profile with a product application assigned to you is mentioned in a conversation.

File deleted on a profile

Sends a notification when a user has deleted a file on a profile.

Personal events

Event name


Someone @mentions you or your team

Sends a notification anytime a colleague @mentions your username or your team's name in a conversation.

Report requested has completed

Sends a notification when a report you requested is ready for download.

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