About allow listing in Maxsight
For security and audit purposes, you may want to limit who can access your institution's Maxsight account.
When you enable allow listing, only requests from an IP address on your authorized list can sign into your account's portal and make calls to your API.
To ensure we can support you, our dedicated team will always have access to your account. Contact us at ma_kyc_support@moodys.com to learn more.
If you're using SSO, you should only use Maxsight's allow list feature. If you also use Okta's allow list feature, both allow lists will apply for SSO sign-ins, and unexpected behavior may occur.
To perform actions in the IP allow listing area, such as enabling or disabling allow listing and adding or removing IP addresses, you need at least Read-only access for any User management role and Read and write access for the IP allow list role.
Configure IP addresses
Allow listing is disabled by default.
You can add, remove, or edit IP addresses while the allow list is disabled. Add your IP address to the list before you enable allow listing, or you'll be locked out of your account.
If you are locked out of your account, contact ma_kyc_support@moodys.com, and we'll help you regain access.