Audit metrics report actions (v1)
Audit metrics actions are anything that happens to a profile and its product applications.
The audit metrics actions are as follows:
Name in Actions drop-down | Name in exported data | Description |
Added a file | added-a-file | A file was added to a profile via a form or the API. Note that this item is not recorded when the file is added for a Document verification check. |
Added a tag | added-a-tag | A tag was added to a profile. |
Added a task | added-a-task | A task was added to the product application. |
Added a task note | added-a-task-note | A note was added to a task. This profile action is also used when documents are attached with notes. |
Added event | added-event | A PEPs, sanctions, adverse media, or refer event. |
Added product | added-product | A product application was added to a profile. |
Added profile to verification list | added-profile-to-verification-list | An associate was added to a task's verification list. |
Affiliate added | affiliate-added | A profile was added as an affiliate. |
Affiliate removed | affiliate-removed | A profile was removed as an affiliate. |
Application assignment created | application-assignment-created | A profile that was previously not assigned to anybody was then assigned to a user. |
Application assignment deleted | application-assignment-deleted | A profile that was previously assigned to a user was then reassigned to "nobody". |
Application assignment reassigned | application-assignment-reassigned | A profile that was previously assigned to one user was then reassigned to a different user. |
Application nearing expiry | application-nearing-expiry | A product application was going to expire in 30 days or less. |
Attach file | attach-file | A file was uploaded to the profile's Conversations. Note that if the user added a comment with the file, the Comment action is recorded as well. |
Canceled form | cancelled-form | A form was canceled. |
Changed collected data | changed-collected-data | Information was added, updated, or deleted in the profile's collected data, stored in > .Note that changes to custom fields do not trigger this action. This action superseded Replace collected data (replace-collected-data). |
Comment | comment | A comment was made in the profile's Conversations. Note that if the user added a file with the comment, the Attach file action is recorded as well. |
Completed customer request | completed-customer-request | A customer request was completed. This action is used for the Communicate service. Contact us to learn more. |
Completed form | completed-form | A form was completed as passed or failed. Note that Manual decision forms will also trigger the Submitted form audit item. |
Completed stage | completed-stage | A check completed. |
Created profile | created-profile | A new profile was added. |
Deleted a task note | deleted-a-task-note | A task note was deleted. |
Escalation created | escalation-created | A product application was escalated to a team. |
Escalation resolved | escalation-resolved | An escalation team provided approval or rejection. |
Event bulk resolution | event-bulk-resolution | Multiple PEPs, sanctions, adverse media, or refer events were marked as unresolved, mismatched, matched, ignored, or created, which occurs when a task expires and a new task version is created. |
Event resolution | event-resolution | A PEPs, sanctions, adverse media, or refer event was marked as unresolved, mismatched, matched, ignored, or created, which occurs when a task expires and a new task version is created. |
Expired form | expired-form | A form expired. |
Generated onfido tokens | generated-onfido-tokens | Onfido tokens were generated for the ID verification (Maxsight collects documents) check. Note that this action is only applicable if you're using Onfido as a data provider. |
Granted profile access | granted-profile-access | The API was used to grant access to a specific profile for a user or team. |
Instantiated form | instantiated-form | A form was instantiated. |
Instructed check | instructed-check | A check was run. |
Linked profile | linked-profile | An associate profile was linked to a parent company. Note that this action is used for profiles that have tasks with verification lists. |
Origin profile changed | origin-profile-changed | An origin profile was set, changed, or unset. |
Profile application status changed | profile-application-status-changed | The status of the product application was changed. |
Profile status changed | profile-status-changed | The profile status was changed to |
Removed a tag | removed-a-tag | A tag was removed from a profile. |
Removed profile from verification list | removed-profile-from-verification-list | An associate was removed from a task's verification list. |
Revert decision | revert-decision | The decision to reject or cancel a product application was reversed. |
Revoked profile access | revoked-profile-access | The API was used to revoke access to a specific profile for a user or team. |
Risk changed | risk-changed | The product application's risk level changed. |
Sanctions false positive | sanctions-false-positive | A PEPs, sanctions, or adverse media match was determined to be a false positive. |
Sent customer request | sent-customer-request | A customer request was sent. |
Sent form | sent-form | A form was sent. |
Submitted form | submitted-form | A form was submitted. |
Task expired | task-expired | A task expired. |
Task expiry date set | task-expiry-date-set | A task expiry date was set. |
Task nearing expiry | task-nearing-expiry | A task was going to expire in 30 days or less. |
Task state changed | task-state-changed | A task was completed as passed or failed. |
Uncomplete a task | uncompleted-a-task | A task was marked as incomplete. |
Unlinked a profile | unlinked-profile | An associate profile was unlinked from its parent company. Note that this action is used for profiles that have tasks with verification lists. |
Updated check | updated-check | A check was associated with a task using the API. |
Uploaded a document | uploaded-a-document | A document was uploaded for an ID verification check or a Document verification check. |
Viewed profile | viewed-profile | A user viewed the profile or the API was used to Get a profile. Note that only the first view is recorded if a user views the profile more than once a day. Other API actions, like getting collected data or check results, do not trigger this action. This action superseded View. |
Audit metric actions are also recorded in the audit report.