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Complete a form


Your task must be configured to include a form. Contact your account administrator to learn more about your configuration. Only certain tasks can be configured to include forms.

To complete a form on a task:

  1. Go to a task that is configured to use forms. A New form button is displayed at the top of the task.

    New form button
  2. Select New form. If there are multiple form templates to choose from, select the template you want to use from the drop-down list. The form questions are displayed on the task.

  3. Complete the answers. At a minimum, every answer marked required must be completed before you can submit the form. Some answers may already be prefilled with the profile's data.

    Some questions may prompt you to upload files. Files can be up to 50MB large and can have any of the following file types: PDF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF. The question may specify the number of files that can be added. Note that files are only uploaded once you submit the form, and these files cannot be used for automatic checks.

    To confirm that you've uploaded the right file, select it to preview it when you've added it to an answer.

  4. Review your answers. Once you submit the form, there's no way to edit them.

    If you need to update the information after you've submitted it, you can start a new form by following these steps again.

  5. Select Submit. The answers are saved. If there is no Decision button, or the form has the Update collected data type, the profile data is updated with the form answers immediately, and the process is complete. If there is a Decision button, or the form has the Manual decision form type, complete the following steps.


    The form is not saved until you select Submit. If you refresh the page or navigate away from your form, your draft will be erased.

  6. Select Decision and choose Pass or Fail.

  7. Select Save decision. If your form template specifies the profile data is updated for either decision, the data is updated now. If the template specifies the profile data is only updated when the form is passed, the data is only updated if you selected Pass.


The completed form may have answers that you haven't written. This is because form templates can be configured to include optional questions with default answers where no other answer is provided.

If any other tasks have been configured to use the same form, the completed form is displayed on those tasks as well.

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