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Deactivate or reactivate a Maxsight user

When you deactivate a user in Maxsight, they no longer have access to your account. However, you can reactivate a user anytime to restore their access to your account.


To deactivate and reactivate users, you must have Read and write access for the Manage users permission. Contact the administrator of your account if you don't have this permission but need to reactivate or deactivate users.

Deactivate a user

When you deactivate a user, they no longer have access to your account.

Any product applications that are assigned to the user become unassigned, and the user is removed from any teams. Before you deactivate a user, you may want to reassign their product applications.

To find out if you get notifications about unassigned product applications, for example, when an unassigned product application needs manual review, check your notification preferences.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Go to User Management > Users.

    User management_main screen with last login.PNG
  2. Select the user you’d like to deactivate.

  3. Select Deactivate user. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

    Deactivate user confirmation dialog.
  4. Select Deactivate user. The user no longer has access to your account. The user is also removed from any teams, and product applications are unassigned.


If you're using SSO, you should deactivate the user via your identity provider as well.

Reactivate a user

When a user is reactivated, their product applications remain unassigned. The user is not added to any teams automatically.

To reactivate a user:

  1. Go to User Management > Users.

  2. Select the user you’d like to reactivate.

    Deactivated users are displayed last in the list of users.

  3. Select Reactivate user. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

    Reactivate user confirmation dialog.
  4. Select Reactivate user from the dialog. The user’s access is restored to your account with the roles the user had before.


If you're using SSO, you should reactivate the user with your identity provider as well.

Additional information