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Exportable data from task reports (v1)

You can export the following data from task reports.

Standard profile data:

  • Task start date: The date the task version was created.

  • Task completion date: The date that the task version was passed or failed for the first time.

  • Task start week: The week, starting on Monday, that the task version was created.

  • Task completion week: The week, starting on Monday, that the task version was passed or failed for the first time.

  • Profile creation date: The date the profile was created.

  • Task ID: The task version's ID in Maxsight.

  • Task name: The custom name of the task. If the task does not have a custom name, the task type is displayed. This data corresponds to the Task name filter.

  • Task type: The type of task. This data corresponds to the Task type filter.

  • Task time to completion: The amount of time in seconds it took for the task to be completed.

  • Task status: The status of the task version. The statuses are INCOMPLETE, COMPLETED_PASS, and COMPLETED_FAIL.

  • Task decided with STP: Whether the task version was decided with straight-through processing the first time it was completed.

  • Profile ID: The profile's ID in Maxsight.

  • Profile type: The type of profile. The types are:

    • INDIVIDUAL_CUSTOMER: Individuals applying for your product

    • COMPANY_CUSTOMER: Companies applying for your product

    • INDIVIDUAL_ASSOCIATED: Company associates who are individuals

    • COMPANY_ASSOCIATED: Company associates who are companies

    This data corresponds to the Profile type filter.

  • Date of birth: If the profile is an individual, this is the date they were born. If the profile does not have a date of birth or the profile is a company, this is blank.

  • Email: If the profile is an individual, this is their email address. If the profile is a company, this is the information provided as an email contact.

  • Company number: If the profile is a company, this is the company registration number. If the profile does not have a company registration number or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Customer reference: An optional profile field that can be used to add a unique identifier for the profile (e.g. the unique identifier from your CRM).

  • Display name: The name of the profile.

  • Date of incorporation: If the profile is a company, this is the date it was incorporated. If the profile does not have a date of incorporation or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Country of incorporation: If the profile is a company, this is the country of incorporation. If the profile does not have a country of incorporation or the profile is an individual, this is blank. This data corresponds to the Company of incorporation filter.

  • Country of current address: If the profile is an individual, this is the profile's country of address. If the profile does not have a country of address or the profile is a company, this is blank. This data corresponds to the Country of current address filter.

  • Country of nationality: The profile's country of nationality. This data corresponds to the Country of nationality filter.

  • Tags: The profile's tags. If the profile has multiple tags, each one is separated with a semicolon. If the profile does not have any tags, this is blank.

  • BvD ID: The unique identifier returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis. If the profile doesn't have a BvD ID, this is blank.

Custom fields:

This category contains any custom fields you have.

To learn how to export report data, see About reports (v1).

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