Generate PDF of Grid Search tool results
The following PDF reports can be generated from Grid Search tool match results:
PDF report of a single entity profile
Composite PDF report of multiple search matches
The Hide action is available when the Search Result PDF Download feature is enabled.
Generate a PDF report for a single name match
To create a PDF containing entity information related to a single name match result:
Go to the
tool results section of the web interface.Locate your match and select its Entity View information.
to displaySelect
to generate a PDF.Save the PDF to a local or network directory.
Generate a PDF composite report for multiple name matches
To create a PDF containing entity information related to one or more search match results:
Go to the
tool results section of the web interface.Locate your matches and select the box in the Search column.
to generate a composite report.Save the PDF to a local or network directory.
Your screen confirms the original number of results returned. However, only the results that have not been hidden are displayed.