Testing Maxsight
When you're implementing a new configuration of Maxsight, you want to be sure it's working as expected.
We recommend running initial tests in your demo environment, a special account just for testing. It does not run live checks, with the exception of checks run with free data providers, for example, Companies House.
Sign in to your demo account with the credentials we provided you on set up. All email addresses used to sign in to demo environments have +demo added to the end, such as morgan@forexo.com+demo. If you're having trouble finding your sign-in details, contact us.
You'll see the label Demo in the header bar when you sign in to your demo environment.
When you're happy with how the demo environment works, you have the option to set up a staging environment. This account is used for testing checks run by data providers with whom you have direct agreements. To request a staging environment, please speak to the Client Service team.
Finally, we'll move everything over to your production environment. This is the environment that your users will eventually see. Before you roll out Maxsight to your users, we recommend running tests in your production environment to ensure your data providers and integrations are properly configured.
If you have any questions you can contact our Client Service team at ma_kyc_support@moodys.com.
Demo environment testing
The demo environment is designed to let your core development and testing teams run as many tests as they like.
The demo environment does not run live checks with any data providers that may charge you, so you can run checks without worrying about being charged.
All performance and load testing requires written permission; contact ma_kyc_support@moodys.com.
Default smart policy testing
When you get a Maxsight demo environment, we'll add a default smart policy to it.
You can use the default smart policy to start testing immediately, try out different policy behaviors, and get an idea of what changes we can make so your smart policy fits with your compliance procedures.
Smart Policy and risk level testing
Once you have your own smart policy, ideally, you want to test every path in your smart policy workflows that a customer can experience. Find out what happens when customers are approved automatically and also what happens when manual intervention is required.
To force profiles down certain paths, create them with details that you know are critical to your smart policies, such as nationality, pledge amount, and so on.
If you're using risk, you should also test onboarding with different risk levels.
As with smart policy testing, you can force product applications to be assigned specific risk levels by creating profiles with details relevant to your risk models.
Testing checks
This environment does not run live checks with any data providers that may charge you. Instead, all paid checks are simulated, and demo data is returned so you can see a sample of the results.
Maxsight provides a series of tests you can run to simulate check results with paid providers. To get the tests:
Find the instructions for your data providers.
Then, go to the section called
. All the steps to run the tests are there.
You can combine test words into a single profile.
Some tests can return different results based on your configuration options.
You can also combine these tests with tests to your workflows and risk levels by giving the profiles details that are critical to your smart policies and risk models, such as nationality, pledge amount, and so on.
Live checks do run with data providers that are free of charge, such as Companies House. With those checks, you can test with real data, and real results are returned.
API integration testing
When testing your API integration, you should confirm that:
When profiles are created via the API, all required data populates in Maxsight correctly, including collected data and custom fields.
Webhook data is being returned as expected.
We recommend using aliases rather than IDs for your API calls when possible. Aliases will be the same in your demo environment and production environment, so you won't have to update your code when you switch environments.
For more information about the API, see the Get started section for developers and the full API reference.
Staging environment testing
A staging environment is an optional transitional account between your demo and production environments.
Its purpose is to let you do rigorous end-to-end testing with your data providers with whom you have direct agreements.
Any data providers you have a direct agreement with will run live checks. You will be charged for these checks.
Before running any live checks on a real person, you must get their permission. Note that some checks, such as the Electronic identity check, run a soft credit check and may appear on the person's credit report.
Production environment testing
Your production environment is configured exactly the same as your demo environment and, if used, staging environment, but all checks are live.
You'll see real check results from your data providers, and you'll be charged for any checks you run.
You'll have likely completed the majority of your functional testing, such as the different routes through the Risk Models and smart policy workflows, in the demo environment, so we recommend using the production environment to test:
Whether the data providers are properly configured.
Whether all systems, including any customer systems, are properly integrated.
We recommend choosing a small subset of individuals to test on, for example, employees or family members.
Before running any live checks on a real person, you must get their permission. Note that some checks, such as the Electronic identity check, run a soft credit check and may appear on the person's credit report.
To complete the configuration for your production environment, we'll need the details for any direct agreements you have with your data providers. To find out what information we require, locate the information for your data providers and go to the section .