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Work with profile files/documents

Open any profile and go to Profile data > Files to see every file and document uploaded for the profile.

See a file/document

To see a full view of a file or document:

  1. Open the profile and navigate to Profile data > Files.

  2. Select the file name to open the details panel.

  3. In the panel, select the item name. The full view is displayed.

    Full view of an uploaded file

If there are multiple images in a document, use the Previous and Next Previous / Next navigation buttons buttons to navigate between them.

To collapse the Activity and Details panel, select the Hide Collapse panel icon button button.

Share a file/document

Each file and document has a unique URL that you can share.

To get the URL:

  1. Open the profile and navigate to Profile data > Files.

  2. Select the file name to open the details panel.

  3. Select Copy file URL.

  4. Paste the URL into an email or chat to share it.

The URL recipient can only view the file/document if they have permission to see the profile. In other words, the recipient will need to be a Maxsight user with permission to view one or more of the profile's product applications. You can also copy the URL from the full preview window.

Delete a file/document


You must have Read and write access for the Permanently delete files permission to delete files and documents.


Once a file or document has been deleted, it is not possible to recover it via the Portal or the API.

To delete a file or document:

  1. Open the profile and navigate to Profile data > Files.

  2. Select the file name to open the details panel.

  3. In the panel, select Delete file.

    File preview panel with mouse hovering over Delete file button.
  4. The Delete file contents dialog is displayed. If the item is a document with multiple content elements, such as a passport with the front of the document and a selfie, each content element is selectable. Select all the content elements you'd like to delete.

    Delete file contents dialog
  5. Select Delete. The selected content elements are no longer displayed in Maxsight and cannot be retrieved via the API. Any mentions of the file, for example, in the audit report, check results, or task notes, now say, "This file has been removed."

    The file or document name, activities, and details are still displayed.

    File preview panel showing the file has been removed.

    If you're using the Files deleted on a profile notification setting, you'll receive a notification to say the file is deleted.

It is not possible to delete files and documents via the API. If you try to retrieve a deleted file or document via the API, a 410 (Gone) status code is returned.

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