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Configuring Equifax Australia IDMatrix

With Equifax Australia IDMatrix, you can run the Electronic identity check.

This check works on the basis that you already have your customers' consent to search their data in the sources you're using for Equifax Australia. To learn more about which sources you have configured, speak to your Equifax account manager.

How it works

This is the default behavior for a variant of the Electronic identity check with Equifax Australia IDMatrix as the data provider.

The check is performed by searching for the individual’s details, such as name, date of birth, and, if available, address, driver's license details, in the sources supplied by Equifax Australia IDMatrix.

The check passes when a 2+2 result is achieved, which happens when either of these conditions are true:

  • The individual’s full name and address are matched in one source and the individual’s full name and date of birth are matched in a second source.

  • The individual’s full name and address are matched in two distinct sources.

If a 2+2 result cannot be achieved, the check looks for a 1+1 result.

The check returns a partial match when a 1+1 result is achieved, which happens when either of these conditions are true:

  • The individual’s full name, date of birth, and address are matched in one source.

  • The individual’s full name and address are matched in one source.

If the conditions are not met for a 2+2 result or a 1+1 result, the check fails.

If the individual’s profile doesn’t have data for the required fields, the check returns an error.

If the country of address in the individual’s profile is anything other than Australia, an error is displayed.

While it's optional to include an address in the profile, 2+2 results can only be achieved if an address is present.

Configuration options

You have the following configuration options. Note that you can only use one of the following options, not both at the same time.

  • Configure custom matching rules: When this option is selected, you can input your own rules. Note that the custom rules that you configure here will override the data provider result and the default Maxsight rules.

  • Use provider result: When this option is selected, the overall status in the check result is mapped directly to the RecordStatus returned from Equifax Australia IDMatrix. Maxsight's 1+1 and 2+2 results are disabled. If the RecordStatus is match, the overall result is Pass; if the RecordStatus is nomatch, the overall result is Fail; and if the RecordStatus is error, an error is returned.


    The result metrics in the Check report will show Pass and Fail, rather than 1+1 and 2+2.

    Additionally, rather than showing a list of Equifax Australia IDMatrix's sources in the check results, a link to the profile Equifax Australia IDMatrix's portal is displayed where users can search for this information using the Provider Reference number. Note that users must have their own Equifax Australia IDMatrix portal credentials to access this profile page.


    If the Equifax Australia IDMatrix check variant is used as the second variant in a waterfall, it will only be run if the first provider's result does not include an address or date of birth.

What we'll need

Let us know that you'd like to add a variant of the Electronic identity check with Equifax Australia IDMatrix. We'll set it up for you.

We'll also need your Equifax Australia IDMatrix:

  • Username

  • Password

For help getting this information, please speak to your Equifax Australia IDMatrix account manager.

Using your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

  1. Does the check pass when a 2+2 result is achieved?

    To run the test, create any individual profile and run the check variant. If the check passes, it’s working as expected.

  2. Does the check return a partial match when a 1+1 result is achieved?

    To run the test, create an individual profile with 1+1 as the given name or surname, for example Alex 1+1 and run the check variant. If the check returns a partial match, it’s working as expected.

  3. Does the check fail when the conditions are not met for a 2+2 result or a 1+1 result?

    To run the test, create an individual profile with FAIL as the given name or surname, for example "Alex Fail, and run the check variant. If the check fails, it’s working as expected.

The results returned are for demo purposes only. In the live environment, it is only possible to achieve 2+2 results and discover matches based on address for profiles that have an address. Equally, an error is displayed in the live environment when the check variant is run on a profile with a country of address that isn't covered by Equifax Australia IDMatrix. The test words are not case-sensitive.

Profile fields

These are the profile details searched in Equifax Australia IDMatrix's sources:



First name(s)



The individual’s first and, if applicable, middle names.




The individual’s last name.

Date of birth



The individual’s date of birth.




The individual’s address history.




The individual's gender. Leave unset for non-binary genders.




The individual’s email address.

Phone number



The individual’s phone number.

Driver's license details



  • The individual’s driver's license number, passed through the number field.

  • The individual's driver's license card number, passed through the issue_number field.

  • The state code shown on the driver's license.

Driver's license information is only sent to Equifax when:

  • The country code is AUS.

  • The driver's license number and issuing state are both present.

Note that results returned for driver's license sources are considered a match if name, date of birth, and ID number match.