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Configuring GBG IDscan

GBG is a data provider that offers IDscan, which you can use to run the check for ID verification (service collects documents).

If you want to run the check for ID verification (Maxsight collects documents), you can configure it with the GBG ID3global product. ID verification (service collects documents) is the only check that enables GBG to run a "liveness" check to validate whether the customer is a real person.

How it works

This is the default behavior of a variant of the ID verification (service collects documents) check with GBG IDscan as the data provider.

The individual submits their documents to GBG IDscan who checks for signs of forgery and extracts the individual's name and, where possible, date of birth, gender, and address from the documents.

Maxsight cross-references the extracted data provided by GBG IDscan with the details recorded in the individual's profile, such as name and, where possible, date of birth and gender. If the check was run with PROOF_OF_ADDRESS as the document category, the address is also cross-referenced.

An image of the document and any still images from liveness checks are imported into the check results.

The check passes when GBG IDscan returns an overall result of pass and the profile details in Maxsight match the details GBG IDscan has extracted from the document.

The check fails when either of the following conditions are true:

  • GBG IDscan says the result is not pass. The result may be refer, expired, not accepted, not supported, or undefined.

  • The profile details do not match the details GBG IDscan has extracted from the document.

Which checks GBG IDscan runs to determine the overall result of the check, such as document validation, liveness checks, and so on, and depend on your configuration. Contact your GBG IDscan account manager to learn more.

If the individual's profile doesn't have data for the required fields, an error is displayed.

This check variant is supported for all countries.

The document types that GBG IDscan supports depends on the country. For the full list, see GBG IDscan Document Library.

Configuration options

There are no additional configuration options for this check variant.

What we'll need

Let us know that you’d like to add a variant of the ID verification (service collects documents) check with GBG IDscan. We’ll set it up for you.

If you have a direct agreement, we'll also need your GBG IDscan:

  • Username

  • Password

Testing your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

  1. Does the check pass when the identification document is authentic and the extracted document details obtained from GBG IDscan match the details in the profile?

    To run the test, create an individual profile named Alex Wheeler and run the check variant. If the check passes, it's working as expected.

  2. If GBG IDscan returns an error, is it displayed in the portal?

    To run the test, create an individual profile named Elizabeth Morris and run the check variant. If the check returns an error, it's working as expected.

  3. If it's not possible to connect to GBG IDscan, is an error displayed in the portal?

    To run the test, create an individual profile named Ania Nowak and run the check variant. If the check returns an error, it's working as expected.

If you have a reseller agreement through Maxsight:

  • Does the check fail when you've run out of Maxsight credit?

    To run the test, create an individual profile named Hunter Sagal and run the check variant. If the check fails, it's working as expected.

Profile fields

These are the profile details matched with the document details extracted by GBG IDscan:



First name(s)



The individual's first and, if applicable, middle names.




The individual's last name.

Date of birth



The individual's date of birth.




The individual's gender. Leave unset for non-binary genders.



Required when the check was run with PROOF_OF_ADDRESS as the document category; not used when the check was run with PROOF_OF_IDENTITY as the document category

The individual's address history.