Configuring Geodistance Maxsight as a data provider
You can use Maxsight to run the Geodistance check.
How it works
This is the default behavior of a variant of the Geodistance check with Maxsight.
The check is performed by sending the latitudes and longitudes of two coordinates to Maxsight, which calculates the distance between them and determines if this distance is within the proximity threshold configured for the task.
The check results display the two coordinates and distance between them in miles.
The check passes when the distance is within the threshold.
The check fails when the distance is beyond the threshold.
If the distance cannot be calculated or the coordinates are not valid, an error is displayed.
This check cannot be configured as an automated check.
When you run this check via the API, you have the option to give the two coordinates any names you like, for example, Stated address and Current location.
Configuration options
Threshold distance (km): This is the range, in kilometres, that the two coordinates must be within for the check to pass. This option is required.
What we'll need
Let us know that you'd like to add a variant of the Geodistance check with Maxsight, and tell us what the threshold distance should be. We'll set it up for you.
Testing your configuration
Even in your demo environment, this check returns real results.
You will not be charged to run this check, so you can run whichever tests you like.
Profile fields
No profile fields are used for this check.