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Exportable data from application reports (v1)

You can export the following data from application reports.

Standard profile data:

  • Application date: The date and time the application was created. Note that the date and time are determined using UTC.

  • Application decided with STP: Indicates whether the application was decided with straight through processing. If the application hasn't been approved or rejected yet, this is blank. This data corresponds to the Decided with STP filter.

  • Application ID: The application's ID in Maxsight.

  • Application first decision date: The date and time that the application was initially approved or rejected. If the application hasn't been approved or rejected yet, this is blank. Note that the date and time are determined using UTC.

  • Application first decision week: The week, starting on Monday, that the application was initially approved or rejected. If the application hasn't been approved or rejected yet, this is blank.

  • Application status (current): The status of the application at the time the data was exported. This data corresponds to the Application status (current) filter.

  • Application status (at first decision): Indicates whether the application was initially approved or rejected. If the application hasn't been approved or rejected yet, this is blank. Note that this may be different from Application status (current). This data corresponds to the Application status (at first decision) filter.

  • Application week: The week, starting on Monday, that the application was created.

  • Assignee type: The type of application assignee. This will be a Team, an individual User, or unspecified No data.

  • Assignee user: The name of the user assigned to an application.

  • Assignee ID: The user ID or the team ID for the people who have been assigned to work on an application.

  • Associate role: If the profile is a company associate, this column displays the associate's role. If the profile is a customer or prospect, this is blank. This data corresponds to the Associate role filter.

  • Associate shareholdings: If the profile is a company associate, this column displays the percentage of shares that the associate holds in the company and any other entities in the ownership structure. The data shows the ID of the entity, followed by a dash, then the share percentage, for example, a2e7545b-cb67-7a0e-7108-a444461891a9-35. If the profile has multiple shareholdings, each one is separated with a semicolon. If the profile is a customer or prospect, this is blank.

  • BvD ID: The unique identifier returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis. If the profile doesn't have a BvD ID, this is blank.

  • Company name: The name of the company.

  • Company number: The company's registration number.

  • Company branch address: If the profile is a company, this is the country in which the company branch is located. If the profile does not have a branch address or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Company contact address: If the profile is a company, this is the country of the contact address. If the profile does not have a contact address or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Company head office address: If the profile is a company, this is the country where the head office is located. If the profile does not have a head office address or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Company registered address: If the profile is a company, this is the country where the company is registered. If the profile does not have a registered address or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Company trading address: If the profile is a company, this is the country of the trading address. If the profile does not have a trading address or if the profile is an individual, this is blank.

  • Country of current address: If the profile is an individual, this is the country of residence. If the profile does not have a country of residence or the profile is a company, this is blank. Note that the country is provided as an ISO3 code. This data corresponds to the Country of address filter.

  • Country of incorporation: If the profile is a company, this is the country in which the company is incorporated. If the profile does not have a country of incorporation or the profile is an individual, this is blank. Note that the country is provided as an ISO3 code. This data corresponds to the Country of incorporation filter.

  • Country of nationality: If the profile is an individual, this is the country of nationality. If the profile does not have a country of nationality or the profile is a company, this is blank. Note that the country is provided as an ISO3 code. This data corresponds to the Country of nationality filter.

  • Customer reference: An optional profile field that can be used to add a unique identifier for the profile, for example, the unique identifier from your CRM.

  • Date of birth: If the profile is an individual, this is the date they were born. If the profile does not have a date of birth or the profile is a company, this field is blank.

  • Date of incorporation: If the profile is a company, this is the date it was incorporated. If the profile does not have a date of incorporation or if the profile is an individual, this field is blank.

  • Display name: The name of the profile or associate profile.

  • Email: If the profile is an individual, this is their email address. If the profile is a company, this is the information provided as an email contact.

  • Entity type: The type of corporate structure. This will be one of the following: trust, partnership, association, company, sole proprietorship, or other.

  • First name(s): If the profile is an individual, this is their given name.

  • Gender: If the profile is an individual, this is their listed gender. If the profile does not have a gender or the profile is a company, this field is blank.

  • ID type [document name]: The document’s unique identifier in Maxsight. Each ID type can be selected for export and is shown in its own column

  • Individual address (current): If the profile is an individual, this is their current address. If the profile does not have a current address or if the profile is a company, this is blank.

  • Last decision made: User type: The type of user that made the most recent decision on an application. This will be an API user, a smart policy user, or a User (portal). This information can only be retrieved from 24 Jul 2019 onwards.

  • Last decision made: User name: The name of the user that made the most recent decision on an application. This information can only be retrieved from 24 Jul 2019 onwards.

  • Last decision made: User auditee ID: The unique ID of the user that made the most recent decision on an application. This information can only be retrieved from 24 Jul 2019 onwards.

  • Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): For corporate profiles, this will be a 20-character, alpha-numeric code that provides the unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions.

  • Liability: The type of liability, for example, limited or non-limited liability.

  • National identity number: If the profile is an individual, this is their country code and national identity number, for example, GBR-012345678. If the profile does not have a national identity number or if the profile is a company, this is blank.

  • Phone number: If the profile is an individual, this is the phone number that was provided for that individual. If the profile is a company, this is the information provided as a contact number.

  • Product: The product that the application is for. This data corresponds to the Product filter.

  • Profile creation date: The date the profile was created. Note that the date and time are determined using UTC.

  • Profile ID: The profile's ID in Maxsight.

  • Profile type: Indicates whether the profile is an individual or a company and whether the profile is an associate or not. This data corresponds to the Profile type filter.

  • Risk level (at first decision): Indicates the risk level when the application was first approved or rejected. This data corresponds to the Risk level (at first decision) filter. Note that this column is only displayed if you're using Risk.

  • Risk level (current): The application's risk level when the data was exported. This data corresponds to the Risk level (current) filter. Note that this column is only displayed if you're using Risk.

  • Risk score (current): For corporate profiles, this is the current calculated risk score at the time of the report's creation.

  • Shares: For corporate profiles, this indicates whether the shares are publicly traded or private.

  • Screening events: Adverse media count (confirmed): The number adverse media matches for the profile have been confirmed.

  • Screening events: Adverse media count (ignored): The number of adverse media matches for the profile that have been ignored.

  • Screening events: Adverse media count (potential): The number of adverse media matches for the profile that haven't yet been confirmed or ignored.

  • Screening events: PEP count (confirmed): The number of PEPs matches for the profile that have been confirmed.

  • Screening events: PEP count (ignored): The number of PEPs matches for the profile that have been ignored.

  • Screening events: PEP count (potential): The number of PEPs matches for the profile that haven't yet been confirmed or ignored.

  • Screening events: Referral count (confirmed): The number of risk matches for the profile that don't fit into the PEPs, sanctions, or adverse media categories, for example, a criminal record, that have been confirmed.

  • Screening events: Referral count (ignored): The number of risk matches for the profile that don't fit into the PEPs, sanctions, or adverse media categories, for example, a criminal record, that have been ignored.

  • Screening events: Referral count (potential): The number of risk matches for the profile that don't fit into the PEPs, sanctions, or adverse media categories, for example, a criminal record, that haven't yet been confirmed or ignored.

  • Screening events: Sanctions count (confirmed): The number of sanctions matches for the profile that have been confirmed.

  • Screening events: Sanctions count (ignored): The number of sanctions matches for the profile that have been ignored.

  • Screening events: Sanctions count (potential): The number of sanctions matches for the profile that haven't yet been confirmed or ignored.

  • Surname: If the profile is an individual, this is their last name.

  • Tags: The profile's tags. If the profile has multiple tags, each one is separated with a semicolon. If the profile does not have any tags, this is blank.

  • Ultimate parent display name: If the profile is an associate, this is the name of the application that their application is contributing to. If the profile is not an associate, this is blank.

  • Ultimate parent profile ID: If the profile is an associate, this is the ID number of the profile that made the original product application. If the profile is not an associate, this is blank.

  • Website: This is the company's web address.

Custom fields:

This category contains any custom fields you have.

Decision reasons:

  • Application decision reasons (at first decision): Indicates the first decision reason that was assigned to the application.

  • Application decision reasons (current): This shows the most reason decision reasons assigned to an application.

  • Comments: Free text comments that were added while accepting or rejecting an application.

If a profile is initially created via the API as an INDIVIDUAL_CUSTOMER or COMPANY_CUSTOMER and then manually linked to another profile as an associate, it will retain its INDIVIDUAL_CUSTOMER or COMPANY_CUSTOMER profile type.

In some cases, an associate profile may have more than one parent. If an individual or company is an associate of multiple companies, by default, one application is created for every role the individual or company has. However, it's possible for users to merge the profiles into a single profile as part of the resolve possible duplicates feature. When this happens, there will be one profile with a parent for every company that it's an associate of.

To learn more about screening events, see the PEPs and sanctions screening for individuals and the Sanctions and adverse media screening for companies.

To learn how to export report data, see About reports (v1).

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