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iList alerts for Client Alert Decisioning & Grid Search tool

When an inquiry matches an entry on an iList, the alert process is managed differently based on whether the iList is alertable/restricted or non-alertable/unrestricted.

Client Alert Decisioning iList alerts

Client Alert Decisioning allows compliance team members to review Moody's screening results and determine whether to include or exclude potentially matching Grid record details in an inquiry final result set.

Alertable/restricted iList

When an inquiry matches an entry on an alertable/restricted iList, Client Alert Decisioning generates an alert. The system shows the potential match on both the iList and within Grid records, enabling compliance members to make informed decisions.

Screenshot of an alert in ICAD for an inquiry matching an entry on an alertable/restricted iList.

Not an alertable/unrestricted iList

When an inquiry matches an entry on a non-alertable/unrestricted iList, Client Alert Decisioning doesn't generate an alert. Even if there is a match with a Grid record, the alert for that match is suppressed. On the Results tab, under the Status by Inquiry section, the Response Type field indicates No Match Found reflecting the unrestricted status of the iList.

Screenshot of "status by inquiry" showing 'No Match Found' because the inquiry matched an entry that is not an alertable/unresticted iList.

iList alerts for the Grid Search tool

The Search tool is an ad hoc screening tool designed for retrieving potential entity matches based on a name submission. This tool serves as a zero-footprint solution for firms that need occasional, single-name searches and offers a streamlined alternative to the full Grid screening capabilities.

Alertable/restricted iList

If the search identifies a name on an alertable/restricted iList, the search tool returns a Grid record and notifies the user that the name matches an iList.

Screenshot of the Search tool showing an inquiry that matches an entry on an alertable/restricted iList.

Not an alertable/unrestricted iList

If the search identifies a name on a non-alertable/unrestricted iList, the tool displays No Results Found and doesn't return any Grid records, even if the name matches Grid records, the system suppresses the search results.

Screenshot of the Search tool showing 'No Results Found' because the inquiry matched an entry that is not an alertable/unresticted iList.

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