View the Grid Client Alert Decisioning dashboard
The Client Alert Decisioning dashboard provides a big picture summary of your firm's:
Inquiry volume
Reviews in open batches, by date
Open reviews by users
Open batches by Batch ID
Dashboard information is presented as graphs and tables.
Firms must be configured for Client Alert Decisioning to view and use this workflow.
The Client Alert Decisioning dashboard role is required to view the Dashboard page.
User permissions are required to view and decision open batches throughout Client Alert Decisioning.
Users with dashboard permissions see that page immediately upon selecting
.All other users are directed to the Assigned Reviews inquiries queue.
View dashboard metrics
Go to
> > > .In the Inquiry Volume by Date section:
Select a value to view the total number of inquiries submitted by your firm during the last 5, 10, or 30 days.
Light gray bar: Total number of inquiries submitted that day not requiring review.
Blue bar: Total number of reviews without alerts.
Dark gray bar: Number of alerts.
Hover over a bar to show counts of Inquiries, Reviews, Open Reviews, and Alerts.
In the Reviews in Open Batches by Date section:
Select Analyst Review process.
to display batches by the submission date or to display batches by the return date after theHover over any individual bar to show the counts of each category for that day.
Light blue bar: Total number of completed inquiry reviews in open batches
Dark blue bar: Number of reviews still open from those batches.
In the Open Reviews by User section:
Displays the total number of unassigned reviews and the number of assigned open reviews by user.
Batches are automatically assigned to the user who submitted them. They can also be assigned ad hoc.
If a user owns a batch, then any unassigned reviews in that batch are considered assigned to that same user.
In the Open Batches section:
Select a
to view all batch-related information and associated inquiries.The table lists all batches requiring alert decisioning along with details for each batch.
For admin users, the Batch ID appears as a link that takes the user to the batch review screen.