Data on the Profiles page
The Profiles page shows you data about your product applications in Maxsight.
Profiles column data
You can display the following data in the columns on the Profiles page:
Name: The name of the profile that made the product application.
Product application: The product that the product application is for.
Entity type: Shows whether the profile is an individual or a company. Note that associates are not displayed; you can find associates using search.
Tags: Any tags added to the product application.
Risk level: The level of risk the product application poses to your company.
Flag: Shows what's currently happening to the product application or what needs to be done for the product application to progress to the next status. Learn more about the application flag.
Status: Shows what stage the product application is at in the onboarding and monitoring process. Learn more about the product application status.
Assignee: The person or team from your company who is currently assigned to the product application.
Application date: The date the product application was made.
PEP: Shows whether there are any PEP screening matches for the profile.
The column displays whether there are No matches, Confirmed matches, or Unresolved matches. If no screening check has been run, the column is blank.
Sanction: Shows whether there are any sanction screening matches for the profile.
The column displays whether there are No matches, Confirmed matches, or Unresolved matches. If no screening check has been run, the column is blank.
Adverse media: Shows whether there are any adverse media screening matches for the profile.
The column displays whether there are No matches, Confirmed matches, or Unresolved matches. If no screening check has been run, the column is blank.
Refer: Shows whether there are any Refer screening matches for the profile.
The column displays whether there are No matches, Confirmed matches, or Unresolved matches. If no screening check has been run, the column is blank.
Customer ref: The customer reference. This is an optional unique identifier for the profile.
Last modified date: Shows the date and time when the last action took place on the product application.
Phone number: The individual's phone number.
For individual profiles only.
Email: The individual's email address.
For individual profiles only.
Date of birth: The individual's date of birth.
For individual profiles only.
Nationality: The individual's nationality.
For individual profiles only.
Gender: The individual's gender.
For individual profiles only.
Company number: The profile's company number.
For company profiles only.
BvD ID: The unique identifier returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis.
For company profiles only.
BvD 9: The unique identifier returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis.
For company profiles only.
Creditsafe ID: The unique identifier returned by the Creditsafe Company Data API.
For company profiles only.
ISIN: The company's International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).
For company profiles only.
LEI: The company's Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).
For company profiles only.
UK charity commission number: The charity's UK charity commission number.
For UK-based company profiles only.
Country of incorporation: The country in which the company was incorporated.
For company profiles only.
State of incorporation: The state in which the company was incorporated.
For company profiles only.
Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction in which the company operates.
For company profiles only.
Registry: The registry with which the company is registered.
For company profiles only.
Is active: Shows whether the company is currently active.
For company profiles only.
Is active details: Shows whether the company is currently active.
For company profiles only.
Trade description: Details about the company trade.
For company profiles only.
Number of employees: How many employees the company has.
For company profiles only.
Incorporation data: Information about the company's incorporation.
For company profiles only.
Company type: The company's type.
For company profiles only.
Company description: Details about the company.
For company profiles only.
Company type description: Details about the company's type.
For company profiles only.
URL: The company's website.
For company profiles only.
Some customers also have the Origin column. This is a way to indicate that a profile originated from another profile.
Some of this information, such as UK charity commission number, Registry, and Trade description, is returned as part of the check results for the Company data check and Company registry check.
You can also add columns for each of your custom fields with the content type Single select, Text, Country, Number, Currency, True/False, and Date to the Profiles page.
Filter options on the Profiles page
You can filter by the following data categories:
Status: Shows product applications with the statuses you select.
Flag: Shows product applications with the flags you select.
Risk level: Shows product applications with the risk levels you select. Note that you'll only see this filter criteria if your company is using the optional Risk module.
Product application: Shows product applications that are for any of the products you select.
Assignee: Shows product applications assigned to the user or team you select. To see product applications that are not assigned to anyone, add Unassigned as the assignee.
Application date: Shows product applications made within the date range you select.
Screening matches: Shows product applications made by profiles with the risk screening matches you select. These can be PEPs, sanctions, adverse media, or other matches returned by the PEPs and sanctions screening check or Sanctions and adverse media screening check. They can also be company fraud risk matches returned by the Merchant fraud check. Note that it is not possible to filter based on matches returned by the Fraud check.
Tags: Shows product applications that have or do not have the tags you select:
Match any of: Shows product applications that have at least one of the tags you select. For example, if you filter by Match any of the High priority or Medium priority tags, then product applications with the High priority tag and product applications with the Medium priority tag will be displayed.
Not match any of: Shows product applications that do not have any of the tags you select. For example, if you filter by Not match any of the High priority or Medium priority tags, then product applications that do not have either of these tags will be displayed.
Includes: Shows product applications that have, at minimum, exactly the tags you select. For example, if you filter by Includes, the High priority and the Medium priority tags, then only product applications that have both the High priority and Medium priority tags will be displayed. Product applications with one additional tag may also be displayed.
Does not include: Shows product applications that do not have exactly the tags you select. For example, if you filter by Does not include the High priority and the Medium priority tags, then product applications that do not have the High priority tag and also the Medium priority tag will be displayed. In other words, any product applications that only have one of these tags, Product applications that do not have any tags, and product applications that have three or more tags will be displayed.
Escalation requires team: Shows product applications that are waiting on or have been approved by the teams you select:
Waiting on includes: Shows product applications that are waiting on, at minimum, exactly the teams you select. For example, if you filter by Waiting on includes the Forexo Basic and the Forexo Pro teams, then product applications that are waiting on both the Forexo Basic and Forexo Pro teams will be displayed. Product applications with one additional tag may also be displayed.
Waiting on any of: Shows product applications that are waiting on at least one of the teams you select. For example, if you filter by Waiting on any of the Forexo Basic or Forexo Pro teams, then product applications waiting for the Forexo Basic team and product applications waiting for the Forexo Pro team will be displayed. Note that at least two teams must be added or the filter option will be automatically changed to Waiting on exactly.
Resolved by includes: Shows product applications that are resolved by, at minimum, exactly the teams you select. For example, if you filter by Resolved by includes the Forexo Basic and the Forexo Pro teams, then product applications that are resolved by both the Forexo Basic and Forexo Pro teams will be displayed. Any product applications that are only resolved by one of these teams will not be displayed.
Resolved by any of: Shows product applications that are resolved by at least one of the teams you select. For example, if you filter by Resolved by any of the Forexo Basic or Forexo Pro teams, then product applications resolved by the Forexo Basic team and product applications resolved by the Forexo Pro team will be displayed. Note that at least two teams must be added or the filter option will be automatically changed to Resolved by exactly.
Entity type: Shows product applications made by individuals or companies. Note that associates are not displayed on the Profiles page; you can find associates using search.
Country of address: Shows product applications that have one or more of the countries you select. Note that for individuals, this is the country of address. For companies, it's the country of incorporation.
Last modified date: Shows product applications that were made more than or less than the number of days you specify. For example, if you use the filter Last modified date is more than 10 days ago, applications made 11 or more days ago will be displayed.
Sort options on the Profiles page
You can sort by the following data categories:
Country: First letter of the country name, going from A-Z or Z-A. For individuals, this is the country of address. For companies, it's the country of incorporation.
Creation date: The date the product application was created, starting from newest first or oldest first.
Entity type: Whether the profiles that made the product applications are individuals or companies.
Risk: The product application risk level, starting with the highest first (High risk) or lowest first (no risk). Note that this sorting option is only available when you're using the optional Risk module. Contact our Client Service team to learn more.
Last modified date: The date the product application or profile was last modified, starting from the newest first (most recently modified) or oldest first (least recently modified). Modification actions exclude viewing the profile, making comments, adding task notes, downloading the audit file, and downloading the audit report. Note that adding a tag or a new product application does affect the last modified date.
The times for the Creation date and the Last modified date are determined by the second.