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Configuring Creditsafe Company Data API

Creditsafe Company Data API is a data provider that you can use to run the Company data check.

How it works

This is the default behavior for a variant of the Company data check with Creditsafe Company Data API as the data provider.

The check is performed by sending the company's name, country of incorporation, state of incorporation for US and Canada only, and company number to Creditsafe Company Data API and requesting a report.

The check passes when all of the following are true:

  • The company name is found in the registry.

  • The company status in the registry is active.

  • The company has any financial data.

  • The company number and country of incorporation from the profile match the data in the registry.

  • The address from the Creditsafe confidence match search is matched against the address in the Maxsight profile.

When the check passes, the basic company information is imported into the check results. The information is displayed differently for each task.

A maximum of 50 shareholders will be displayed on the Identify shareholders task. The shareholders with the greatest percentage of share are displayed first.

The check returns a partial result when the company name is found in the registry but one of the following is true:

  • Any of the required profile data is missing.

  • Any of the profile data does not match.

  • The company does not have any financial data.

  • The company status is inactive.

  • The company status is unknown.

  • The registered company address doesn’t match.

To learn which profile fields are required, see Profile fields.

The check fails if the company name cannot be found.

An error is displayed when the company's country of incorporation isn't covered by the Creditsafe Company Data API agreement.

Creditsafe provides financial data for countries where the information is accessible, but every country has different filing laws and some countries do not require companies to file accounts. If the Company data check is run on a company that does not provide financial data, a partial match is returned with a message saying, "No financial data available." You can change this behavior with the Pass check with missing financial data configuration option.

Contact your Creditsafe Company Data API account manager to learn what countries your agreement covers.

If multiple results are discovered for the same company, they're ordered by the best match for the name. Note that Maxsight returns Creditsafe Company Data API results without modifying them. If Creditsafe's data includes duplicates, they'll appear as duplicates in the check results.

The information that's displayed in the Summary of the check results comes directly from Creditsafe. For example, the Limit is Creditsafe's recommendation as a guidance for the company's credit limit. Today's limit is the total amount of credit that they recommend should be outstanding at one time, and the Contract limit is the recommended maximum contract capacity on a single contract over 12 months. For more information, see Creditsafe's documentation.

When you search for a company during the profile creation process, the search results are retrieved using the Company data check, if you have one set up. If you don't have a Company data check set up, the Company registry check can be used instead.

Configuration options

You have the following configuration options:

  • Pass check with missing financial data: When this option is selected, the check passes if the company does not have financial data, as long as the other pass requirements are met.

  • Creditsafe address match fuzziness configuration: When this option is selected, you can leverage Creditsafe’s confidence match search to verify a company’s registered address. The search compares a Creditsafe-stored address against the address from the profile in Maxsight. If the address doesn’t match the registered address, a partial result will be returned. If you have a direct agreement with Creditsafe, you will need to contact them to activate the Confidence match search feature on your account.

    Note that this option is not supported if you're using Creditsafe monitoring.

    The company data check is used on the Identify officers and Identify shareholders tasks, which include configuration options to control how the officers and shareholders returned by Creditsafe Company Data API are verified. Learn about task configuration options.

Creditsafe monitoring

You can choose to use ongoing monitoring, which gives you three additional configuration options:

  • Enable monitoring for Identify officers: When this option is selected, data related to the Identify officers task is monitored.

  • Enable monitoring for Assess financial data: When this option is selected, data related to the Assess financials task is monitored.

  • Enable monitoring for Verify company details: When this option is selected, data related to the Verify company details task is monitored.

When new or updated data is discovered, a new task version is created for the relevant task(s) and the old task version expires. The check results are displayed in full on the new version(s).

See the following list for the Creditsafe Company Data API data monitored for each country. The numbers represent the ID that Creditsafe Company Data API uses for the data.


Ongoing monitoring is not available for shareholder data.

You'll be charged when new or updated data is returned as part of ongoing monitoring. If multiple tasks were updated from the same check result, you'll only be charged once.

Note that the pricing for monitoring with Creditsafe Company Data API is different than the check variant without monitoring. To see how much you're charged, visit your pricing page.

If you have permission to access the Policy Builder, the data provider is displayed as Creditsafe when you aren't using monitoring and Creditsafe (Monitoring) when you are.

Enable monitoring for Identify officers


Data monitored

All countries

107 - Director(s)

Enable monitoring for Assess financial data


Data monitored

All countries

101 - International rating

102 - Limit

The international rating is monitored to see it is reduced. Note that increases in international rating are not monitored.

All changes to the limit, both increase and decrease, are monitored.

United Kingdom

1804 - Financial changes


3101 - New annual financial statement


1718 - New accounts filed


1007 - Change to total issued capital


802 - Share capital


704 - New accounts

802 - Share capital


2004 - Share capital

2006 - New accounts filed


2103 - Financial changes


1405 - Latest year end accounts


2401 - Annual accounts


1308 - New accounts


1511 - Share capital change


925 - New accounts


2201 - New accounts field


3043 - Annual accounts

3044 - Share capital

Enable monitoring for Verify company details


Data monitored

All countries

104 - Company name

105 - Address

United Kingdom

1815 - Company status change

United States

1603 - Company status


3100 - Company status


1010 - Status


806 - Status


302 - Status


3056 - Company status change


1406 - Company status


924 - Status


2202 - Company status


3040 - Status

If you would like to monitor data from Creditsafe Company Data API that you don't see on the previous lists, contact us.

What we'll need

Let us know that you'd like to add a variant of the Company data check with Creditsafe Company Data API and we'll set it up.

If you'd like to use any of the configuration options for the Identify officers or Identify shareholders tasks, let us know which ones you'd like to use.

If you have a direct agreement with Creditsafe Company Data API, we'll also need your Creditsafe Company Data API username and password. For help getting your username and password, please speak to your Creditsafe Company Data API account manager.

Testing your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

If you are testing financial data and you would like to see it displayed in a way that's localized for UK accounts, run these tests on companies incorporated in the UK. Data for Maxsight Ltd will be displayed in the results.

If you would like to see financial data displayed in a way that's standardized for all countries, run these tests on companies incorporated in any country other than the UK. Data for Aerial Traders will be displayed in the results.

  1. Is company information returned from Creditsafe Company Data API?

    Create any company profile and run the check variant. If the check passes and data is displayed in the check results, the check variant is working as expected.

  2. Is a partial match returned when the company name is found in Creditsafe Company Data API's sources but the profile data does not match?

    Create a company profile with partial in the name and run the check variant. If the check returns a partial result and an incorrect company number is displayed, the check variant is working as expected.

  3. What happens if the company does not have any financial data?

    To run this test with the API on a UK company, create a company profile with Maxsight PARTIAL FINANCIAL as the name, 09565115 as the company number, and partial_financial as the Creditsafe ID. To run this test on a company outside the UK, use Aerial Traders PARTIAL FINANCIAL as the name, 5560642554 as the company number, and partial_financial as the Creditsafe ID. Run the check. If you're not using the Pass check with missing financial data configuration option, the check variant is working as expected if the check returns a partial match. If you are using the Pass check with missing financial data configuration option, the check variant is working as expected if the check passes.

  4. Does the check fail when the company name cannot be found in Creditsafe Company Data API's sources?

    Create a company profile with fail in the name and run the check variant. If the check fails and no results are returned, the check variant is working as expected.

The company name and number auto-fill feature that's displayed when you create a company profile via the portal displays demo data in the demo environment. Real data will be displayed in the live environment.

Test words are not case-sensitive.

Profile fields

These are the profile details searched in Creditsafe Company Data API's sources:



Country of incorporation



The country in which the company is incorporated.

State of incorporation



The state, province, or territory of the address.

The format follows the state code of the ISO-3166-2 standard.

Note that a UK county should not go here.

Company name



If not included, a partial match is returned.

The legal name of the company.

Company number



The company’s registration number.




The company’s registered address.