Task configuration options
When configuring a task, you can use the configuration options to control how the task behaves.
If you’d like to add a new task or change the configuration options for an existing task, contact us. Let us know which task you’d like to configure and which options you’d like to use, and we’ll set it up.
Configuration options for all tasks
When you configure any task, you have these configuration options:
Acceptance checks: Select one or more check variants associated with the task. When any of these check variants pass, the task passes automatically. If no check variants are selected, the task never passes automatically based on passed check variants. Learn more about Acceptance checks.
Automatic checks: Select one or more checks associated with the task. When the task is first added to a profile’s product application and whenever a new version of the task is added to the product application, every check variant selected for this option runs automatically. If no check variants are selected for this option, checks never run automatically when this task or a new version of this task is added to a profile’s product application.
Forms: Select one or more forms associated with the task. The user will have the option to create and submit that form. Note that if you associate one form with multiple tasks, when the user initiates and completes the form on any task, it will be displayed on all tasks associated with that form. If any of these tasks do not exist on the profile, they'll be created, even if they are not associated with the profile's current product application. Get the full list of tasks that can have forms.
Task expiry period (days): Add a number of days. When the task is passed on a profile’s product application, it remains valid for the specified number of days, then it expires. Once the task version expires, the next version of the task must be passed for the product application to remain approved. This ensures the task is always passed on relevant information. This option is required when you're using Enable risk based expiry period.
Enable risk based expiry period: For each risk level, add a number of days. When the task is passed on a product application, it remains valid for the number of days specified for the product application's risk level, then it expires. If there's no risk model for the product application's product, the task uses Task expiry period (days) as the default expiry period. If the risk level for the task changes at any point, the expiry period is updated automatically. Note that this option is only applicable if you're using Risk. Contact us to learn more.
Custom task expiry settings take precedence over an automatic expiry or update to the expiry period. Learn more about custom task expiry settings.
Number of days before task expiry to send notification: Enter the number of days needed before the expiry date of a task to send a notification to the Maxsight user assigned to the task. The number entered in this field will also be used to trigger the creation of a new task version. This value must be smaller than the default task expiry period or if risk based expiry is enabled, smaller than the risk level with the shortest expiry period. By default, this will be set to 30 days.
Some checks return a Completed state instead of a Passed state, for example, PEPs and sanctions screening. Maxsight does not recommend adding these checks as Acceptance checks. Learn why some checks return Completed.
If the Assess company ownership, Identify officers, or Identify shareholders tasks are configured as Acceptance checks, only the first version can be passed automatically. If a new task version is created, for example because new results are discovered during ongoing monitoring or the task expiry date is reached, the new task version must be passed manually.
PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media tasks with Acceptance checks only autocomplete when the check does not turn up any new matches and there are no outstanding matches. If any matches are discovered when the check is run or during ongoing monitoring, the check must be passed manually after the matches are resolved.
The minimum number of days before a task expires is 60, with the exception of the Assess individual fraud risk and Assess company fraud risk tasks which have a minimum of 30 days.
When configuring automatic checks, you can specify that if one check variant fails, returns an error, or returns a partial match, another is tried automatically. This is called waterfalling your check variants. Additionally, you can specify that a check variant is determined by the profile's country of residence/incorporation. Learn more about check variants.
Additional options for company tasks
The following company tasks have verification lists, which are used to onboard company associates:
Learn more about verification lists.
When you configure these tasks, you have these additional configuration options to control how their verification lists behave:
Product for which associated profiles will apply (required): Select any product. The smart policy for this product is applied to associates added to the task’s verification list.
The due diligence tasks specified in the smart policy are added to their associate profiles and must be passed for the associates to be approved.
Automatic addition to the verification list (required): This option determines if and how associates imported from the data provider are added to the verification list automatically.
When adding to the list automatically, there is a limit of 100 direct associates.
The following associates never get added to a verification list by automatic addition: Resigned officers, company secretaries, officers with a role of Other, and shareholders with an unknown share percentage.
The values for the Automatic addition to the verification list option are:
Automatic addition is disabled: No associates are added to the verification list automatically. When this value is used, the only way to add associates to the verification list is to do so manually. Learn how to add associates manually.
Add all profiles: Every associate returned by the data provider is added to the verification list.
Add up to a specific number of profiles: When configuring the task, you specify a number. Up to this number of associates imported from the data provider are added to the verification list.
The Assess company ownership, Identify officers, Identify shareholders, and Identify trustees tasks control how associates are added to the verification list.
Add profiles with a percentage of shares greater than or equal to a threshold: For the Identify shareholders or Assess company ownership tasks only. When you specify a percentage of shares, all shareholders who own this percentage and above are added.
Add profiles with selected roles: For the Assess company ownership task only. You can add associates imported from the data provider with the following roles to the verification list: Beneficial owner, global ultimate owner, or controlling shareholder.
To learn more about how company associates are added to the verification list, see Add company associates to a verification list.
If the check returns a Partial match, no associates are added to the verification list automatically.
Automatic task completion (required): This option determines if and when the task passes automatically, based on which associates on the verification list are approved for the product specified in the Product for which associated profiles will apply configuration option. The values for this option are:
Automatic completion is disabled: The task never passes automatically. The only way to complete the task is to do so manually. Learn how to pass/fail the task manually.
All profiles in the verification list must be approved: The task passes automatically when every associate in the verification list is approved.
If the Application status for any profile on the verification list is canceled, the task will not pass automatically. Remove the profile from the verification list to allow the task to pass when all other profiles are approved.
At least a number of profiles in the verification list must be approved: You are asked to specify a number for the Number of approved associates required to complete the task. The task passes automatically when the specified number of associates in the verification list are approved.
If the task has checks listed for the Acceptance checks option, indicating that the task passes as soon as one check passes, as well as a value for the Automatic task completion option, specifying the task passes when all profiles or a number of profiles in the verification list are approved, the task passes when the criteria are met for either option.
For the Automatic task completion option, at least one associate must be approved for the task to pass automatically. This means if you have the task configured to add associates to the verification list automatically and pass automatically when all associates are approved, the task will not pass automatically if the data provider returns 0 associates because 0 associates can be approved.
Once a task has been passed because it has met the requirements for the Automatic task completion option, the task does not become unapproved automatically if approved associates are moved to the removed associates list. Learn more about the former associates list.
Additional options for custom tasks
Custom tasks for individuals or companies have one additional configuration option, Only add this task after first periodic review period.
This option is only used if the task has a number of days specified in the Task expiry period (days) option.
When the Only add this task after first periodic review period option is selected, the expiry date of the first version of the task is calculated as the day the product application was added to the profile plus the number of days specified in Task expiry period (days) or, if applicable, Enable risk based expiry period for products that use risk models.
The task is not displayed on the profile when the product application is first created. Instead, the task is displayed for the first time 30 days before the expiry date is reached.
After the first expiry date is reached, the second version of the task must be passed for the product application to become/remain approved.
Learn more about task versions and expiry dates.
How removing the expiry date impacts tasks
If the expiry date is removed from a task, any tasks created before the change will continue to expire based on the previous settings.