Configuring GetID
How it works
This is the default behavior for a variant of the ID verification (Maxsight collects documents) check with GetID as the data provider.
You can upload one of the following documents for an individual to GetID:
Driving License
State ID
Residence ID
Voter ID
Tax ID
Unknown. You can select Unknown if the document type is not known, GetID will perform a check to determine the type of documentation provided.
File size: The file size must be between 32KB and 6MB per photo. The face size on the photo must be a minimum of 150x150px.
GetID checks for signs of forgery and extracts the following information from the documents:
Date of birth
Maxsight cross-references the extracted data provided by GetID with the details recorded in the individual’s profile (name, date of birth, nationality, and document type).
Maxsight imports an image of the documents to the task on the profile.
The check passes when:
All checks from GetID are marked Approved.
The data extracted from the document submitted for validation matches the data stored on the profile in Maxsight.
The check will fail when:
Any of the results from GetID are marked as Declined or Needs review.
The data comparison and validation performed by Maxsight fails.
If the individual’s details do not match the data in GetID’s sources, the check fails.
To get step-by-step instructions for running this check, see Verify a document.
Configuration options
The following configuration options are available:
This integration has no special configuration parameters beyond credentials at the moment.
What we'll need
Let us know that you’d like to add a variant of the ID verification (Maxsight collects documents) check with GetID and which configuration options you'd like to use. We’ll set it up for you.
If you have a direct agreement, we’ll also need to know your GetID API key and URL. This information is provided by GetID.
Testing your configuration
Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.
To get a PASSED result, check that the ID is authentic and the document details in the demo environment match the profile details.
Create an individual profile with these details:
First name: Alex
Surname: Wheeler
Date of birth: 01 January 2000
Expected result: DOCUMENT_ALL_PASS
To get a FAILED result, use the example where the DOB entered is different from the details in the demo environment.
Create an individual profile with these details:
First name: Ashley
Surname: Williams
Date of birth: 30 June 1980
Required profile fields
These are the required profile details matched with the document details extracted by GetID:
Name | GetID field | Description |
First name(s)( | ( | The individual's first and, if applicable, middle names. |
Surname ( | ( | The individual's last name. |
Date of birth ( | ( | The individual's date of birth. |
Nationality ( | ( | The individual’s country of nationality. |