Configuring Kompany KYC API
Kompany KYC API is a data provider you can use to run the Company data check.
Company data check
How it works
This is the default behavior for a variant of the Company data check with as the data provider.
The check is performed by sending the company's name, country of incorporation, state of incorporation (for the US and Canada only), and company number to Kompany KYC API and requesting a report.
Kompany does not return shareholder information and cannot be used for the Identify shareholders task. If you're using a check variant with Kompany KYC API configured as the data provider, a message is always displayed on the Identify shareholders task saying, "No shareholders found in check result."
The check passes when all the following are true:
The company name is found in the registry.
The company status in the registry is active.
The company number and country of incorporation from the profile match the data in the registry.
When the check passes, the basic company information is imported into the check results.
The imported information is displayed differently for the Identify officers task and the Verify company details task. See the description of the Company data check for more information.
The check returns a partial match when the company name is found in the registry, but one of the following is true:
Any of the required profile data is missing.
Any of the profile data does not match.
The company status is inactive.
The company status is unknown.
See Profile fields to learn which profile fields are required.
If the company name cannot be found, the check fails.
An error is returned if any of the following is true:
Kompany discovers more than one company that matches the profile details.
The company's country of incorporation isn't covered by the agreement with Kompany.
Contact your Kompany KYC API account manager to learn which countries your agreement covers.
When you search for a company during the profile creation process, the search results are retrieved using the Company data check, if you have one set up. If you don't have a Company data check set up, the Company registry check can be used instead.
You will be charged for any call made to Kompany KYC API, including when you search for a company during the profile creation process. Speak to your account manager to learn more.
Configuration options
You can use the following configuration option:
Enable data refresh from primary source: When this configuration option is selected, a second option is available called Maximum age in days of result where you can enter a number. When the check is run, initially all results are retrieved from Kompany's database cache. If any of these results are older than the specified number of days, Maxsight prompts to retrieve updated results directly from the corresponding registry. You may be charged for some results retrieved directly from registries. Contact your Kompany KYC API account manager to learn what charges apply.
This check is used on the Identify officers task, which includes additional configuration options to control how the officers are returned by Kompany. Learn more about task configuration options.
What we'll need
Let us know that you’d like to run this check with and we’ll set it up. If you’d like to use any of the configuration options for the Identify officers task, let us know which ones you’d like to use.
We’ll also need your API key for Kompany KYC API. For help getting your API key, please speak to your Kompany KYC API account manager.
Testing your configuration
Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.
Is company information returned from Kompany KYC API?
Create a company profile for a company called GENERAL MOTORS EUROPE LIMITED and run the check variant. If the check passes and data for General Motors Europe Ltd is displayed in the check results, the check variant is working as expected. Note that GENERAL MOTORS EUROPE LIMITED must be in capital letters.
Is a Partial match returned when the company name is found in the Kompany KYC API's sources but the profile data does not match?
Create any company profile and run the check variant. If the check returns a partial match on the Verify company details task and data for General Motors Europe Ltd is displayed in the results, the check variant is working as expected.
Profile fields
These are the profile details searched in the Kompany KYC API's sources:
Name | Description |
Country of incorporation ( *Required | The country in which the company is incorporated. |
State of incorporation ( Optional | The state, province, or territory of the address. The format follows the state code of the ISO-3166-2 standard. Note that a UK county should not go here. |
Company name ( *Required If not included, a partial match is returned | The legal name of the company. |
Company number ( *Required | The company’s registration number. |